Mechanical Poet - Point Of Test

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Текст песни

I've got no way to go
I have no force to stay
And I have never gone astray
And never been so low

I see no pass before my eyes
There's no any light but

I don't care of tomorrow!
You will not bring me down
And I don't think of tomorrow!
I even like it now!

No time to take a rest
No time to gaze around
I fall again and hit the ground
But that's the point of test

I see no friends before my eyes
There's no any help but

I don't care of tomorrow
You will not bring me down
And I don't think of tomorrow
I even like it now

No need for help from any side
Don't even ask me why
My heart becomes my only guide
And I repeat that

I don't care of tomorrow
You will not bring me down
And I don't think of tomorrow
I even like it now

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